
Showing posts from April, 2019

digital makeover

Before After In these pictures, I took a picture that I took off of the computer and added "make-up" and dyed my hair to a lighter color so that it looked like I got a makeover. I overall had a hard time to get the makeup look natural and not look fake and not realistic but overall was very fun to see what different things that look good on myself. 

Animated Gif

I took this Gif right outside the classroom and attempted to make a dramatic kind of view. The point that I attempted to get across was that some people like women should be able to treat men like they treat us. Overall this was a fun project to learn from.

Tripple portrait

In this project, we had to do a baby , middle-aged , and an adult so we can see how the evolution of the dogs has passed.

panoramic image

For this picture what I did was take a bunch of pictures at a time to make this panoramic picture. It was on one of the coolest projects due to the amount of editing because I had to get the picture to get them to be different without using a filter on my phone.

magizing cover

 This was a very fun project. But I overall enjoyed the fact of putting my face where Hailey Beibers face should. This was a fun experience where I focused on looking like a model.

movie poster assignment

This is one of my favorite movies with Jlo in it. She is also one of my favorite artists. This movie overall is super funny which gave me the idea then in posting it and make some sort of like a meme. Overall this is a fun project to experiment with different head tilts and all that.

photo collage with text fetures

This was probably one of my weirdest project which was fun to make overall but it was a bit time taking but I enjoyed doing this especially trying my best not to mess up.


Before After In this project what we had to do was take a picture of a person who needs a retouch so I took Kendall Jenner's face and blurred it out where she had acne. Then recolored it to make it look like it did before and then put a few layers of that on top. Overall this was a very fun project.

Classsic painted portrait

In this picture, we had to take a picture of whatever and use adobe photoshop to make it look as if it were a painting. this project was confusing to get through but once I found out how to do it became easy.  Overall I liked the project since I got experience with different filters.

creative blurring

In this project, I took a picture to my shoes next to a tree but I blurred the picture in the end and not the shoes so it's like not blurred so it's like the main point of the picture making it so the eyes lead to my shoes. Overall there was a great amount to do to get to this picture blurred but I liked the results in the end. 

pictures with different backrounds

In this project, we had to put ourselves behind different places or maybe just phone and computer backgrounds. I chose the places I've been around the world but I did not add all of them due to the amount of space that I had. Overall this project was fun since I got to see the new things I could experience.

self portrait with different filters

In this project, we had to take different pictures with different filters. So I took 16picturess with me with different colors and movement making it easier since half of my pictures were actually from the photobooth app. Overall this was a fun project due to experimenting with new things.

Candly Land scape

This is a landscape of candy. In this project, we have to do the Candy Land presentation but in a way that we like it in. So in this project, I added the candys of gummy bears, cakepops, gumdfrops, gingerbread house, laffy taffy, cotton candy and finaly sour strings. All in all, this was a fun project.